Project charter client

Project Title

Client Chat

Start Date


End Date


Project Manager

Riccardo Radosta

Project Sponsor

I.T.I. G.Marconi


Professor De Carli Lorenzo


5BI Students

Stakeholders and Expectations

Team: Create a client to comunicate with server by a chatting's platform.

Professor De Carli: Have a Client that can speak with the other clients using a server.

Purpose (Problem or opportunity addressed by the project)

With this client it's possible to speak among different classmates's clients through another Server.

Goals and Objectives

Our expectations for the good job of this app is expected to: - Provide a way to chat with classmates;

  • Facilitate the use of the latter to the customer;

  • Interface with the server to communicate with other clients.

Schedule Information (Major milestones and deliverables)

29/10/2019 - Create the file system of the program and planned the job

29/10/2019 - Addition of the graphic part of the software

29/10/2019 - End the main part of the software

05/11/2019 - Testing

05/11/2019 - Fixing the problems and bugs issue during the test

05/11/2019 - End the software development

20/11/2019 - Begin the documentation

Financial Information (Cost estimate and budget information)

This work does not include cash costs, the only cost was the time spent on this project, approximately 5 lessons to which we have 3 hours each for a total of 15 hours.

Project Priorities and degrees of freedom

We have no major limitations except the delivery deadline. We had all the time available, both at school and at home, we decide how distribute our work.


We proceed step by step, we start with the communication between server and client, then we take care of the graphic part and finally we combine everything.


The only constraint we have is the protocol given by the professor which had to be strictly followed.


Our software should be similar to a chatting application commonly used on all smartphones, only more primitive and very simple

Success Criteria

The project will be a success if work without bugs and problems with all the different server that our classmate have done and in all the situation that we expected.


The purpose of the client is to interface to communicate, through the servers, with other clients like a chatting system.

Risks and obstacles to success

The main obstacles encountered were in the generalization of the code for greater compatibility with the servers.


Project Manager
Riccardo Radosta

Project Sponsor
I.T.I. G.Marconi

Liboni Andrea, Francesco Martino

Technical Lead
Professor De Carli Lorenzo