Testing Document and Specification

Test Specification


Client Server
Riccardo Radosta Andrea Liboni
Matteo Tognella Francesco Martino



Are listened here the incident discovered while performing various tests on the system

Incident ID 2.1-A
Description To see if the user can see in the interface of the client a table with all the user that are active in that moment
Originator Riccardo Radosta
Discover Date 24-10-2019
Severity Medium
Steps Required to Produce Incident 1. Go to the page of the login. 2. Click on the bottom of the login.
Cause Incident was caused by the code of the software.
Addressed Date gg-mm-2019
Creation Phase Implementation
Detection Phase Testing


Test Case ID: 2.2
Title New user
Feature/Subfeature User name and password Validation
Purpose To ensure that only passwords with at least one number, one uppercase letter, and at least eight characters long are accepted,
Initial Conditions You must be on the "new account" page
Test Data Test Data will include invalid passwords like "ciao", "riccardo, 123456789"
Test Actions 1. Go to the main page. 2.Click on the button "new user". 3. Insert the data. 4. Click the button "submit"
Expected Results With the data that we have used, After Step 4, on the screen must appear an error message, and you must insert a new password (This will happen as long as you insert invalid passwords)



Incident ID 1.1-A
Description Missing the creation and starting of a new thread when a user do a second login in the same session.
Originator Andrea Liboni
Discover Date 12-11-2019
Severity Hard
Steps Required to Produce Incident Do a logout from the client and do a re-login in the server whit the same account.
Cause Incident was caused by missing check in the code.
Addressed Date 14-11-2019
Creation Phase Implementing the multi-threading.
Detection Phase Testing


Test Case ID: 1.4-B
Title Two session at the same time
Feature/Subfeature Session validation
Purpose Avoid that a user could have at the same time two sesion on two different client
Initial Conditions You must have an account and a client
Test Data Test Data will include the account information
Test Actions You need to open a client, login in the server, and after open another client on the same computer or in another computer in the same network, and try to re-login.
Expected Results The server will response with an error message, and inside it Description will be present the error code number 34 (Another session is already open)