Success Criteria

The project will be considered a success if

A fully functional client is delivered on or before 12-11-2019. The system shall be delivered in a state that is ready to be used in its intended production environment for its intended purpose. The users shall be given the training they need in order to begin using the system. We will consider both of these goals met if the users who plan to use the system during its test period fill out the attached Acceptance Test User Survey and: - No one circles “No” on the questions - If anyone circles “Yes, with reservations” on the two questions, these reservations shall be resolved in few time.

Concerns raised during the test period and relative fixing

Don't allow to an user to do the login twice or more times. Fixed with a vector that track all the login and logout on the client. Changes taking less than one hour.

The customers can ...

  • Sign up and login on client;
  • Logout from client;
  • Comunicate and send message with other clients;
  • See all online users

The client is correctly documented

The client have all the document correctly done, with all the information that can be useful.


ITI Marconi, Project Sponsor

Riccardo Radosta, Project Manager

Lorenzo De Carli, Customer Representative

PAL Acceptance Test User Survey

1. Is the system installed and functioning adequately such that you can begin using it in its production environment for its intended purpose?

No Yes Yes, with some reservations

2. Do you feel that you have been given the training and documentation you need in order to begin using the system?

No Yes Yes, with some reservations